Block 13 Wiki

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Honey Hatif Atlan (هوني) is the American-Kuwaiti member of the group of boys, making him the "5th Elements". He was introduced in the fourth episode of the second season.


Being american, Honey is a caucasian boy that wears a blue hat with yellow stripes with the word "Block 13" written on. He also wears sunglasses, a white shirt with a grey chinese dragon on and grey pant.


Honey seems to be easily annoyed, having everyone calling him Hannii instead of Honey or even making fun on his origin. Although sometimes he defends himself, he never insists to go further from these situation and decides to move on, much of his annoyance, always ending up by saying his catchphrase "Whatever."

Capture d’écran 2018-09-26 à 11.52

Honey as Super Honey and his hair shown
